When you create a new Notebook or File Cabinet, you must select a Signature Workflow.  This workflow cannot be changed later, and it determines whether or not you will be required to have cosigners to sign a resource in this collection.  The Signature Workflow specifies how many cosigners (if any) are required and what signing roles they must have.

sites/default/files/images/select signature workflow_0.png

Cosigners are in your Signing Group, and different signing groups are associated with each workgroup.  The System Administrator initially creates a signature group for you in each workgroup you’re in.  If you are a Workgroup Administrator, you will be able to edit the Signing Groups for this Workgroup using the web client (Sessions|Manage Account).  To find out what the Signature Workflow is for a Notebook or File Cabinet, select it in the Document Tree and look at the metadata pane in the Info Panel (see image below).

Signature Workflow with No Cosigners

If the Signature Workflow in the Notebook or File Cabinet in which you are signing does NOT require any Cosigners, you will see a message when you try to sign (if no cosigners are available) that informs you that no cosigners are available.  Click OK on this message dialog.  The Sign Resource dialog will be launched, allowing you to sign as the only signer.

If you DO have Cosigners (but are not required to use them), you may add them, but this is optional. The Choose Cosigners dialog will be launched, allowing you to select Cosigners and initiate signing.

Signature Workflow with Cosigners

If the Signature Workflow DOES require Cosigners but you do not have the correct number or configuration of Cosigners in your Signing Group, you will see a message that you do not have enough cosigners. If you are a Workgroup Administrator, you can edit the Signing Group to add the correct number of cosigners, or contact the System Admin.

What is the Signature Workflow for an Existing File Cabinet or Notebook?

To find out what the Signature Workflow is, select the File Cabinet or Notebook in the Document Tree and look at the Metadata pane in the Info Panel:

sites/default/files/images/view signature workflow.png